When you place an order on BurgerPrints fulfillment, the information you provide to us including product information is correct. But during the operation, for some reason, the order has an error after receiving the goods, please handle this problem according to the following instructions:
Evidence requirements:
* Ordered shirt wrong size guide
– For a shirt with the size indicated on the tag different from the shirt ordered.
+ Photo of shirt tag (shipping label if available).
+ A clear photo of the entire shirt.
– With the shirt order, the customer claims that the shirt is tight and doesn’t match the size on the tag
+ Photo tag/shipping label.
+ A photo of a flat measuring tape measure, taken clearly from the top of the ruler (as shown in the image below).
* Application sent wrong shirt / wrong design
+ Photo of shirt tag (shipping label if available).
+ A clear photo of the entire shirt.
* T-shirt is torn, dirty, wrong thread,…
+ Photo tag/shipping label.
+ A clear photo of the entire shirt.
+ Photo clearly shows the error part.
* Note: with orders after receiving more than 14 days, they will be refused to process. On a case-by-case basis, BurgerPrints support may require additional information to process
Contact us by emailing us at sellers@burgerprints.com. In the email please show your order id or purchase email so we can assist you.