BurgerPrints Help Center

How can you caculate the profit on the BurgerPrint Platform?

Your profit is calculated according to the following formula: Profit = (Revenue – Basic Cost) * 93%.An order processing fee of 7% is used to cover customer service cost, credit card fee, and fraud protection when you sell on the

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How can I set up Two-Step Verification?

Two-Step Verification adds an extra layer of security to your account. After you login with your username and password, you will enter a security code and an extra security code before proceeding to your account. No one can access your

How can I add payout method?

To add a payout method, navigate to the Setting icon at the bottom-left corner, followed by Payout Setting tab.  The available Payout methods are Paypal, Payoneer, Ping Pong and wire transfer. You run through 02 steps: Step 1: Choose the

How can I add the team member into the account?

To add the team member into the account, navigate to the Setting icon at the bottom-left corner of BurgerPrints dashboard, followed by the Team Setting tab.  You need to add the email address of the team member and wait for

How can I update the Language and Time zone?

To change the Language and Time zone  , click on the upside-down black triangle icon in the upper-right corner, followed by Account Settings, as shown below.  At the second tab, scroll down and change the Language and Time zone at

How can I change the affiliate information?

To change the affiliate information , click on the upside-down black triangle icon in the upper-right corner, followed by Account Settings, as shown below.

How can I change password for my account?

To change the password of your account , click on the upside-down black triangle icon in the upper-right corner, followed by Account Settings, as shown below.

My BurgerPrints Account

Why should you choose BurgerPrints as your fulfillment provider?

1.INTEGRITY Integrity is the foundation on which good relationships and trust are built. We strive to build a prosperous community for our customers and employees. When faced with difficult decisions we follow our guiding values to always do what is