BurgerPrints Help Center

How can I activate the SmartSell App?

Step 1: Access the link https://dash.burgerprints.com/authentication/login.  Step 2: Enter seller account information, which cannot be left blank Email login Password Step 3: Click the Login button to log in to the system. Step 4: In the vertical menu bar, select

Which objective is the SmartSell App for?

App Smart Sell is an application that BurgerPrints designed for seller’s store channels on BurgerPrints system. App Smart Sell supports creating and managing upsell, cross sell strategies to increase the average order value (AOV) and sales revenue. Offer applies to

Smart Sell app

Cancellation policy

Sellers acknowledged to properly review all orders placed at BurgerPrints before payment is made. We advise against placing an order on the BurgerPrints platform if one is already in the “print queue” at another sales platform. After the payment process

Shipping time

Sellers acknowledged that all items from BurgerPrints Fulfillment are Print-on-Demand. Following the conclusion of the production process the order will be dispatched.The following shipping timelines apply to the items listed by group: Printed Apparel and Mugs products (US center): 2-9

Production time

Printed Apparel and Mugs products (US, EU Center): 1-7 business days. All-Over-Print Apparel (EU Center): 6-8 business days All-Over-Print Apparel, Decoration, Accessories, Footwear (China Center): 5-10 business days Leather, Puzzle products (VN Center): 1-5 business days Posters (EU, US Center):

Theme Setting

Theme setting Choose the store where you want to customize the theme.  Here you can see the “Live theme” – This is the theme used for your store and customers see it when they visit your store. View your store:

How to create a store?

Store channels

How to create product collections?

Collections can help you arrange and manage your products that have things in common. You can create collections to make it easier for customers to find them by category, or add them to the navigation of your store.Manual Collection allows