BurgerPrints Help Center

How can I use Personalization of BugerPrints Platform?

Author: Sherwin 267 views

Step 1: Create campaign on BurgerPrints Platform.

  • Select a product that you want to personalize.
  • Upload your design transfered from psd (high quality png, jpg)
  • Complete product information such as title, description…
  • Lauch product.


Step 2: Create Clipart

  • Click  Clipart -> New Category 
  • Sequentially name and upload personalized layers for not being confused
  • Save your clipart. You clipart will be appeared at Clipart Templates.

Step 3: Create Mockup

Mockup can be used for several campaigns.

3.1 Click  Mockup -> Add Mockup. 

+, Printarea Size: Choose the right size for the print area (normally 2100×2400) 

+, Mockup File Default: Upload your Product Mockup, with the first color you selected at you campaign. At this step, you can connect to BurgerPrints’s Seller Support to help you with Product Mockup.

Example: You created you Popular Tee Campaign with red color, so Your Mockup File Default must be red too.

3.2 Printarea 

+, Mask File: Only need with Mug Product. 

+, Upload file demo design: Upload your design transfered from psd (high quality png, jpg)

+, Click to PrintArea and adjust accordingly

3.3 Mockup by variant

+, Add Condition

+, Matches Variant Text: Right format is [ Sourcecode_name]|[Mockup file name]

You can refer to this file to find out Matches Variant Text: https://rebrand.ly/BurgerPrints-PLF-Personalize

+, Mockup File Default

Click to Create -> Successfully create your mockup

Step 4: Edit personalize the campaign

At this step, you comeback to the campaign created at step 1, and click Edit Personalize.

Implement tabs in turn: Options, Layers, Setting, Demo. 

4.1 Options: This is where the seller will create the personalized options that will be displayed on the campaign.

  • Clipart:  Create personalized options such as hair, clothes, skin…
  • Text field: Personalized Text
  • Upload Field: Upload Picture

How to add Clipart. Name the Option Tittle, then:

  • Choose Clipart you created at step 2 
  • Or Add new category cliparts (If you add new clipart here, it can be used for this campaign only).

4.2 Layers: Upload file psd và Pick suitable Options at 4.1

  • Step 1: Upload file PSD. BurgerPrints will automatically show layers of your design 
  • Bước 2: Map layer to product. Choose 4.1 Product Options 

Example: Layer Right Girl Name will be Option Name1

4.3 Setting: Choose Mockup created at step 3

4.4 Demo: At this tab, you can test and adjust your personalized campaign.


  • In case the layers are overlapped, you just needs to click on the layers they want to put first, and choose Edit Position.
  • With text layers, you should adjust text size more than 6000 px.